What Are The Best Types Of Metals To Recycle?

Metal is one of the most recyclable materials in existence. However, there are certain types of metal you will not be able to recycle, and you must instead have the appropriate authorities dispose of it. And for the metal that you can recycle, it will either be ferrous or non-ferrous.

Hazardous Metals

The type of metals you cannot recycle are those that are hazardous. The most common example of this is mercury. Instead of throwing mercury in the trash or recycling it, you must contact the local authorities responsible for handling hazardous waste. Fortunately, many states have a mercury collection program.

Ferrous Metals

The types of metals you can recycle include ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals are those that contain iron and include steel. Iron is the most common metal. It is responsible for the earth's magnetic field. Because of its magnetism, it's possible to use a magnet to detect iron because the metal will stick to it.

The easiest way to recycle steel is when it is a byproduct of manufacturing. The recycled materials will not have to be processed as much to be recycled. But you can recycle most ferrous materials and will generate a profit and help the environment.

Non-Ferrous Metals

Non-ferrous metals are very easy to come by, even if they are less common than ferrous metals. You will almost always be able to recycle non-ferrous metals because they do not lose their chemical properties. For example, copper is non-ferrous and is worth a lot of money; you can find it all around your home. The most valuable of all are precious metals such as gold and silver.

The Recycling Process

Once you have gathered scrap metal, earn money by delivering it to a recycling service. Get started by sorting the scrap metal. A scrap metal recycling service will offer more money if you reduce the work they need to do.

Regardless, the recycling service will sort the scrap so they can prepare it to be made into other materials. They often shred the scrap metal so they can melt it down and fabricate other metal parts more easily. They must melt down the metal parts to remove impurities and improve the metal's quality.

They then move the metal to another area via a conveyor belt so it can then solidify. The whole process helps keep costs down so they can deliver the savings to you and pay more for scrap metal.

For more information about scrap metal recycling, contact a local company.
