Important Tips To Help You Get The Most Benefit From Your Next Dumpster Rental

If you are planning to have some construction work done on your home in the near future, it is very important to choose the most appropriate dumpster for your needs. That means that you will need to allow for the projected total size of the items that are being disposed of and that you have a safe space for your dumpster to reside. In addition, it is often necessary to choose different dumpsters to get rid of different materials. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware of the following advice as you make plans for your dumpster rental, so that your project will be easier to plan for.

Be Sure To Use The Right Size Dumpster

It only makes sense that if you get a dumpster that is too big, you are likely to wind up overpaying for unused space. The reverse will also be true if you accidentally underestimate the amount of space your dumpster needs and you have to schedule additional pickups. Fortunately, you can prevent both of those issues by understanding how the measurements of a dumpster will actually impact you. 

Dumpsters are available in numerous sizes between 10 and 40 cubic yards, which is often referred to as just a 20 or 30-yard dumpster. By measuring the approximate amount of material you will be removing ahead of time and being aware of roughly how much scrap material your project will produce, you can be sure that you have chosen the most appropriate dumpster for your needs.

Be Sure That The Dumpster You Choose Is Right For The Materials You Will Need To Dispose Of

When you are in the middle of a big project, it is easy to think that all of your materials should be able to go into the conveniently located dumpster. The truth is that you will find that you may not be allowed to dispose of the concrete you just removed in the same bin as wood scraps. Doing so is frequently a violation of your contract and you could easily discover that the dumpster company will refuse to pick up a dumpster filled with different building materials.

Alternatively, you could also be unpleasantly surprised when the dumpster is picked up, but you get a significantly higher bill later on. Regardless, it is best to be very specific about the building materials or other items you need to dispose of when making arrangements for your dumpster rental

Prevent Damage To The Area When Possible

It is also a good idea to consider where you plan to place the dumpster. Given that the weight of the dumpster is often significant and when you allow for the additional bulk of the contents, it is possible that the temporary receptacle could scratch or otherwise damage the area where it rests.

Fortunately, you can prevent that problem by simply laying plywood on the ground and directing the truck driver to leave the dumpster on top of it. This is another situation where knowing the size of your dumpster will be helpful, so that you can be sure enough plywood is present.

In conclusion, renting the right dumpster is essential for staying neat and organized during any major renovation project. When planning for your next dumpster rental, the advice provided above will be very useful and is likely to help the project run more smoothly. Disposal companies like Lakeshore Recycling can provide more information.
